Graham Number (GN) Calculator

Calculate your stock's value with the Graham Number calculator. Enter Stock Price, Earnings Per Share and Book Value Per Share to determine profit potential.

Result Graham Number $0 Profit 0%
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Graham Number Formula

Graham number = (15 * Earnings per share * 1.5 * Book value per share) ^ 0.5

Earnings per share: $10.25 Book value per share: $7.50 Graham number: $41.589

Profit Formula

Profit = (Graham number - Stock price) / Stock price * 100

Graham number = 50 Stock price = 20 Profit = (50 - 20) / 20 * 100 = 150%


The Graham Number is an indicator used to evaluate if a stock's price is undervalued or overvalued. It takes into account the company's earnings per share and its book value, providing a threshold for investors to consider when making investment decisions.

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