7 Hobbies That Might Save You Money

Last updated: Jul 6, 2023

Wood carving

Explore 7 money-saving hobbies that bring joy and potential income opportunities. Discover activities that offer savings and entrepreneurial potential.


In the quest for hobbies that not only bring joy but also help save some money along the way, we present a curated list of seven engaging activities.

While we can't guarantee that every hobby mentioned will guarantee significant savings, we have carefully selected options that are likely to contribute to financial benefits to varying degrees.

Additionally, many of these hobbies have the potential to generate income if you choose to sell your creations or pursue related ventures.

So, let's explore these fascinating hobbies that offer the promise of both financial prudence and the opportunity for entrepreneurial endeavors.

Planting and Farming

Plants on a rack indoors

While the idea of farming may conjure images of vast fields and endless sunlight, it's time to reconsider.

Indoor farming presents an innovative and accessible option for anyone seeking to cultivate their green thumb and reap the rewards of self-sustainability.

Don't be intimidated or dismissive, this approach to farming can be carried out with minimal sunlight or even none at all (yes, NONE), and with increasing automation options, it's easier than ever to dive into this money-saving endeavor.

  1. Low Sun, No Problem: One of the remarkable aspects of indoor farming is its adaptability to low-sun conditions. Unlike traditional farming, which relies heavily on natural sunlight, indoor setups can utilize alternative lighting sources, such as LED grow lights. These lights provide the necessary spectrum for plant growth, allowing you to cultivate a wide range of crops regardless of the available sunlight. By optimizing the lighting conditions, you can experiment with various plant species, making the most of your indoor farming adventure.
  2. A Bounty without Sunlight: Believe it or not, there are farming techniques that require no sunlight at all. Hydroponics and aeroponics, for example, offer unique alternatives to traditional soil-based cultivation. In hydroponics, plants are grown in a nutrient-rich water solution, while aeroponics suspends plants in an air or mist environment. By nourishing plants directly with a balanced nutrient mix, these methods provide a controlled and efficient approach to farming without the need for sunlight. This opens up possibilities for anyone, regardless of their living situation or climate, to embark on their own farming journey. And mushroom farming requires no sunlight at all, which means indoor lighting is not required.
  3. Automation Simplifies the Process: Modern technology has revolutionized indoor farming, making it more accessible and convenient than ever before. Automation systems can be integrated into indoor setups, reducing the effort and time required for maintenance. Automated solutions include smart watering systems, temperature and humidity control, and even robotic assistance. These advancements not only make indoor farming more convenient but also increase the chances of success for beginners and seasoned growers alike. With a few adjustments and the right equipment, your indoor farm can practically take care of itself. If you don't want to water a plant frequently, you can simply cover it with a plastic bag, which will reduce the watering needs.

Fermentation (Making alcohol)

Fermentation can be surprisingly simple, contrary to the misconception that it involves extensive labor.

With basic techniques and minimal effort, you can embark on this thrifty hobby. Moreover, the beauty of fermentation lies in its scalability, allowing you to start small and gradually expand your repertoire as you gain confidence and experience.

Cider and Winemaking

Crafting homemade wines using fruits like grapes, berries, or anything with sugar is an affordable and rewarding hobby. By crushing the fruit (or just putting it in), fermenting the juice, and aging the wine, you can create personalized flavors and enjoy the satisfaction of sipping on your own handcrafted wine.

Fermentation can be a remarkably frugal process, as you can for example transform expired milk into wine by simply adding sugar if you want a higher alcohol content.

It can also be a time-effective process, as you primarily require clean supplies, water, sugar, and fruits to get started. With just a few basic equipment pieces, you're all set to embark on your fermentation journey.

Furthermore, the versatility of fermentation extends beyond milk and fruits; nearly any ingredient can be fermented with the addition of sugar since yeast feeds on sugar, making fermentation possible.

Brewing (Making beer)

Homebrewing allows beer enthusiasts to experiment with different grains, hops, yeast strains, and flavors, resulting in unique and cost-effective craft beers.

With a small investment in equipment and ingredients, you can brew a wide variety of styles and relish the taste of your custom creations.


Foraging, as a rewarding hobby, not only allows you to connect with nature but can also help you save money.

Engaging in the art of foraging provides an enjoyable and immersive experience, where you can discover a variety of natural treasures.

From edible delights like apples and berries to materials for campfires or even crafting homemade soaps, foraging offers a wealth of possibilities.

The Joy of Being in Nature

One of the greatest joys of foraging is the opportunity to immerse yourself in nature's embrace. As you venture into forests, meadows, or even urban green spaces, you'll find a sense of tranquility and a deeper connection to the environment. Exploring the outdoors while foraging offers a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life, allowing you to revel in the beauty and serenity of the natural world.

Edible Treasures and Cost Savings:

Foraging provides an abundance of edible treasures waiting to be discovered. From ripe apples hanging from trees to succulent wild berries dotting the landscape, nature offers a free and delicious alternative to store-bought produce. By foraging for these natural treats, you not only enjoy the thrill of finding your own food but also save money by reducing your grocery expenses.

Beyond Edibles: A Treasure Trove of Possibilities:

Foraging extends beyond gathering edible delights. It presents an opportunity to source materials for various purposes. Need firewood for your next camping trip? Look no further than fallen sticks and branches scattered along the forest floor. Seeking natural ingredients for homemade soaps or crafts? Horse chestnuts, with their saponin-rich properties, can be foraged and utilized creatively. With a little creativity, foraging opens up a world of possibilities for resourcefulness and cost savings.

Food Dehydration

Food dehydration, a rewarding hobby, offers a remarkable way to extend the shelf life of ingredients while saving money.

With various methods available, including the age-old sun-drying technique, oven drying, or using electric dehydrators, this process opens doors to a world of culinary possibilities.

From preserving foraged delights for years to creating homemade jerky, food dehydration ensures longer-lasting, healthy snacks at your fingertips.

Embracing the Art of Dehydration

Dehydration comes in many forms, each with its own charm and effectiveness. While sun drying evokes a sense of tradition, using an oven or electric dehydrator offers convenience and control over the drying process.

Electric dehydrators, in particular, are known for their user-friendly nature, requiring minimal effort.

Adopting a "set it and forget it" approach with these devices will still yield excellent results, making the dehydration process effortless and hassle-free.

Whether you're preserving fruits, vegetables, herbs, or even meats, dehydration provides a gateway to unlocking the flavors and nutrients of these ingredients while prolonging their storage life.

Preserving Nature's Harvest

Foraging enthusiasts can harness the power of dehydration to capture the essence of their finds. By dehydrating wild berries, mushrooms, or herbs, these treasures can be preserved for years, allowing you to enjoy their flavors and nutritional benefits even during the off-season. This sustainable practice not only saves money but also encourages a deeper appreciation for the bounties of nature.

Deliciously Nourishing Jerky

Dehydrating meats for making homemade jerky is an enticing option that combines flavor and convenience. By removing moisture from lean cuts of meat and marinating them in delectable blends of spices and seasonings, you can create a protein-packed snack that satisfies your taste buds and provides a healthier alternative to store-bought options. Homemade jerky made through food dehydration not only saves you money but also allows you to tailor the flavors to your liking.


Baking, as a delightful hobby, not only offers a creative outlet but can also save you money.

Whether it's the ancient tradition of breadmaking or exploring other forms of baking, this culinary pursuit has been an essential part of human survival throughout history.

By embracing baking as a hobby, you can enjoy the satisfaction of creating food from scratch while reaping the financial benefits of homemade goodness.

Breadmaking: A Staple of Human Survival

Bread, a timeless staple in many cultures, holds a significant place in human survival.

By learning the art of breadmaking, you can experience the gratification of transforming simple ingredients like flour, water, yeast, and salt into delicious loaves.

The process allows you to bypass store-bought bread, often laden with additives, and create your own wholesome, nourishing loaves.

Not only does homemade bread save you money in the long run, but it also grants you control over the ingredients, resulting in superior taste and quality.

Beyond Bread: The Rewards of Baking

Baking extends far beyond breadmaking, offering a diverse range of culinary possibilities.

From cakes, cookies, and pastries to pizzas, pies, and tarts, exploring different baking techniques opens up a world of creativity and flavor.

By making food from scratch through baking, you can reduce reliance on pre-packaged or takeout meals, resulting in cost savings while enjoying healthier alternatives.

Baking empowers you to customize recipes to your liking, experiment with flavors, and create delectable treats that can be shared with loved ones.

Food as a Necessity: A Cost-Effective Perspective

Food is an essential necessity in our lives, and baking from scratch presents a cost-effective approach. By investing in staple ingredients such as flour, sugar, eggs, and butter, and utilizing pantry items like spices and extracts, you can create a wide range of homemade dishes at a fraction of the cost of store-bought equivalents. Baking not only allows you to control your expenses but also encourages resourcefulness and mindful consumption.


Sewing, a versatile and enjoyable hobby, not only allows for creative expression but can also save you money.

With sewing skills, you can mend clothing items, resize them for a perfect fit, or transform them into something entirely new.

By embracing sewing as a hobby, you can unlock a world of possibilities while keeping your budget intact.

Mending and Repairing: Extending the Life of Your Wardrobe

One of the significant advantages of sewing is the ability to mend and repair clothing items.

Instead of discarding garments with minor tears, loose buttons, or ripped seams, you can skillfully mend them with a few simple stitches.

By repairing and restoring your clothes, you can prolong their lifespan and reduce the need for costly replacements, ultimately saving you money in the long run.

Resizing and Tailoring: A Perfect Fit for Less

Another cost-saving aspect of sewing is the ability to resize garments to achieve the perfect fit.

Whether it's taking in the waistline of a pair of pants or adjusting the length of a dress, sewing skills allow you to tailor your clothing to your specific measurements.

By making these adjustments yourself, you can avoid the expense of professional tailoring services and enjoy clothes that flatter your body shape without breaking the bank.

Creativity and Upcycling: Making the Old New Again

Sewing provides an outlet for creativity and upcycling. With a little imagination and sewing expertise, you can transform old or outdated garments into something fresh and unique.

Whether it's repurposing a worn-out shirt into a trendy tote bag or giving new life to vintage fabrics, sewing allows you to unleash your creativity while reducing the need for purchasing new items.

The Joy of Sewing: A Rewarding and Economical Hobby

Beyond the money-saving benefits, sewing is an incredibly enjoyable hobby. It offers a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment as you witness your creations come to life.

The process of selecting fabrics, choosing patterns, and bringing them together through sewing stitches can be a meditative and therapeutic experience, providing a welcome escape from the stresses of daily life.


Woodworking, a captivating and fulfilling hobby, not only allows you to tap into your creativity but can also save you money. By honing your skills and working with wood, you can create functional and aesthetic pieces, tackle home improvement projects, and even craft unique gifts.

Let's explore some of the underlying sections of woodworking that make it a money-saving endeavor.

Wood Carving: Unleashing Artistic Expression

Wood carving, a subcategory of woodworking, offers an outlet for artistic expression. With chisels, knives, and other carving tools, you can transform blocks of wood into intricate sculptures, decorative accents, or even personalized signs.

By carving your own masterpieces, you not only create unique and meaningful pieces but also avoid the high costs associated with purchasing artwork or decorative items.

Woodworking allows you to unleash your creativity by crafting not only decorative pieces but also practical and useful items such as spoons, bowls, cups, barrels, and much more.

The versatility of woodworking enables you to transform raw wood into functional objects that add beauty and functionality to your everyday life.

Carpentry: Crafting Functional Solutions

Carpentry, a fundamental aspect of woodworking, focuses on constructing structures, furniture, and wooden elements.

By mastering carpentry skills, you can tackle home improvement projects, such as building shelves, cabinets, or even renovating existing furniture. Instead of relying on costly professional services, woodworking empowers you to create functional solutions tailored to your specific needs, saving you money while enhancing your living space.

Thrift Shopping & Second Hand: Unveiling Hidden Treasures

Thrift shopping and embracing the second-hand market offer not only cost-saving benefits but also a chance to discover unique and meaningful items. With a human touch and a story to tell, these shopping experiences go beyond simply saving money.

Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of IKEA, was a notable example of embracing thrift shopping despite his immense wealth.

Known for wearing thrift-bought clothes, Kamprad's choice resonated with the joy and authenticity that can be found in second-hand items.

It highlighted that thrift shopping is not solely about financial savings but also about appreciating the unique qualities and stories behind each piece.

Kamprad's love for thrifted clothes demonstrated that personal style transcends monetary value and that thrifted treasures hold a charm that money can't buy.